Puppy Toilet Training
Apr 2009

Educate your dog toilet is not difficult but you need time, patience and be very alert. There are three effective ways to teach your dog not to soil the house with paper training, active training and training with cage.
Although each of these methods focuses on specific situations, most likely need to combine them to have fewer mishaps.
Before starting your dog's health education
Before starting to teach your dog not to soil the house, you have to consider the following factors:
1. Veterinary examination and deworming
Some health problems may hinder or even prevent you succeed in educating your dog in the hygiene needs.
Make sure your puppy does not have diseases directly related to defecation or urination. Diseases such as cystitis, urinary tract infections or diarrhea may prevent your dog's health education. In addition, some internal parasites (worms) can cause irregular bowel movements.
Therefore, first of all take your dog to the vet to do a full review. Tell the vet you want to know if your dog has any disease that may affect health education.
2. Meal times
If your dog eats at any time, will also put their needs at any time. It is therefore important to have a fixed schedule for meals.
When you give your dog food, this is entirely at the plate for half an hour. After that time, remove the plate.
As a general rule, a puppy has to eat four to five times a day while an adult dog needs to eat twice a day. However, it is a good idea to consult with your veterinarian to help you determine the amount and number of daily meals for your dog.
Note that the dog food that comes in a can is wet and can loosen the stomach of your dog.
3. Identifies areas where your dog can relieve themselves
It's good that you clear where you allow your dog do his business and where not. Identify those areas and do not let your dog is in "areas not allowed" unsupervised.
If your puppy still can not go out because it has no full shots, you have to cover the floor of the room safe for puppies with newspaper that this is a "permitted area".
It is important that the "permitted areas" have a different surface than the areas "not allowed". For example, the laundry has a tile floor ( "permitted area"), while the rooms have parquet and carpets ( "areas not allowed").
4. Keep a diary of your dog's waste.
During the early days of health education hours you must register your dog pee and poo. Although this is a bit annoying, it is important to know when you are most likely going to do something.
Then you take your dog to a "permitted area" half hour before time to pee or poop. So it's easier to avoid accidents on the carpet. This may also help to active training and training with cage.
5. Remove the container of water before bedtime.
If your dog does not sleep in the fourth test of puppies, you must avoid to drink fluids after a certain time. You can remove the container of water at nine o'clock at night or a little later.
However, leave him the bowl of water all night if it is hot in the place where your dog sleeps or if he:
* Sleeps in the fourth puppy-proofed
* Thirsty
* Have a special request of health (eg, dehydrated)
* Diarrhea
6. Get an odor neutralizer.
No matter what methods you use to educate your puppy at some point have to clean your house somewhere. So you better get a product that neutralizes the smell of urine. You can find many products for this in the pet stores.
Make sure the product you buy does not have ammonia because you will.
Highlights on health education of the puppy and adult dog
Do not expect your puppy is fully trained in hygiene behavior until it meets at least six months. Until this age, dogs do not have full control over your bladder.
If your dog is already an adult, you can better control his bladder, but may have already learned that he can do his business where he wants. In that case, you have to reeducate him.
Although each of these methods focuses on specific situations, most likely need to combine them to have fewer mishaps.
Before starting your dog's health education
Before starting to teach your dog not to soil the house, you have to consider the following factors:
1. Veterinary examination and deworming
Some health problems may hinder or even prevent you succeed in educating your dog in the hygiene needs.
Make sure your puppy does not have diseases directly related to defecation or urination. Diseases such as cystitis, urinary tract infections or diarrhea may prevent your dog's health education. In addition, some internal parasites (worms) can cause irregular bowel movements.
Therefore, first of all take your dog to the vet to do a full review. Tell the vet you want to know if your dog has any disease that may affect health education.
2. Meal times
If your dog eats at any time, will also put their needs at any time. It is therefore important to have a fixed schedule for meals.
When you give your dog food, this is entirely at the plate for half an hour. After that time, remove the plate.
As a general rule, a puppy has to eat four to five times a day while an adult dog needs to eat twice a day. However, it is a good idea to consult with your veterinarian to help you determine the amount and number of daily meals for your dog.
Note that the dog food that comes in a can is wet and can loosen the stomach of your dog.
3. Identifies areas where your dog can relieve themselves
It's good that you clear where you allow your dog do his business and where not. Identify those areas and do not let your dog is in "areas not allowed" unsupervised.
If your puppy still can not go out because it has no full shots, you have to cover the floor of the room safe for puppies with newspaper that this is a "permitted area".
It is important that the "permitted areas" have a different surface than the areas "not allowed". For example, the laundry has a tile floor ( "permitted area"), while the rooms have parquet and carpets ( "areas not allowed").
4. Keep a diary of your dog's waste.
During the early days of health education hours you must register your dog pee and poo. Although this is a bit annoying, it is important to know when you are most likely going to do something.
Then you take your dog to a "permitted area" half hour before time to pee or poop. So it's easier to avoid accidents on the carpet. This may also help to active training and training with cage.
5. Remove the container of water before bedtime.
If your dog does not sleep in the fourth test of puppies, you must avoid to drink fluids after a certain time. You can remove the container of water at nine o'clock at night or a little later.
However, leave him the bowl of water all night if it is hot in the place where your dog sleeps or if he:
* Sleeps in the fourth puppy-proofed
* Thirsty
* Have a special request of health (eg, dehydrated)
* Diarrhea
6. Get an odor neutralizer.
No matter what methods you use to educate your puppy at some point have to clean your house somewhere. So you better get a product that neutralizes the smell of urine. You can find many products for this in the pet stores.
Make sure the product you buy does not have ammonia because you will.
Highlights on health education of the puppy and adult dog
Do not expect your puppy is fully trained in hygiene behavior until it meets at least six months. Until this age, dogs do not have full control over your bladder.
If your dog is already an adult, you can better control his bladder, but may have already learned that he can do his business where he wants. In that case, you have to reeducate him.